Recommended Resources for Online instructors
Recommended Resources
- CSUN Teaching Through Disruption
- CSUN FTC Keep Teaching
- MERLOT - CSU-led resource providing access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.
- Peer Advice for Instructors Teaching Online for the First Time (Inside HigherEd)
Newsletters for University Instructors
- Inside Higher Education - Online source of higher education news, opinions and jobs. Several subscription options.
- Faculty Focus - Free digital newsletter, reports, and white papers focusing on different aspects of teaching and learning. Easy to subscribe.
- The Teaching Professor - Excellent monthly newsletter with great ideas for engaging students in college classrooms.
- Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education - This Bryn Mawr-based seasonal newsletter is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal.
- Educause Quarterly - Best practices in online learning.